Part 1 – “Are you satisfied with your workplace?” Leaders versus managers Before delving into our main topics, let us detour briefly by addressing a controversy in the organizational literature: the presumed similarities and differences between “managers” and “leaders”. The subtitle of our book (which we are partly summarizing and partly extending here) is “Integrating…
Tag: flow
Micromanage or not?! That is the question.
How micromanaging interrupts the flow in you as a leader and in your subordinates? What steps help to promote flow at work? Are there any circumstances when micromanaging is not only allowed but desirable? First of all please, allow me to be a bit personal here: I look at timesheet if it were my enemy.…
Emotions: do they help you to “flow” or drag you down?
Have you ever experienced that simply just knowing every bit of your job is not enough to excel at your workplace? What else might be needed beside deep knowledge and high intelligence to experience that rewarding state of mind that described as Flow? Have you ever met people who you admired for their expertise but…
Virtues, Happiness, Flow and Joy – The Moral Bucket List
The Theory of “Flow’ and Its Relevance for Organizations
By: Zoltan Buzady and Paul Marer, March 2016In: CEU Working Paper SeriesDownload full working paper here. Abstract: The objective of this essay is to identify how leadership based on the principles of Flow theory, if applied, helps create a Flow-promoting work environment and leads to better organizational performance.Csikszentmihalyi’s theory of Flow – globally known, appreciated, and…
Why winery?
A first-class winery game. Why did we choose a Californian winery as the venue of FLIGBY simulation? First of all, we needed a good story which was able to capture people’s imagination of course. But there is more to it. Prof. Csikszentmihalyi himself proposed the subject of a winery back in 2008. He had two…
The concept of Flow not only originates from but now also inspires young artists
“FLOW” from Menno Wisselink is an inspiring 3 minutes art-video. He writes: “My graduation project is a short movie about the feeling Flow. I started judo when I was 5 years old. From that time I experienced moments were time would stand still, and at the same, flies by. Moments of total joy and intense happiness. Such…
Do you want to know what Flow is? Read or Watch!
Do you want to know what Flow is? If your vote is for watching (‘5): If your vote is for reading, in our new book “Missing Link Discovered“, we wrote a whole chapter on “The Science Behind Flow”. The following is an extract from From Chapter 1: In Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi’s own words: “My original research, which I still do,…
Games can make you a better strategist…
…or at least this is what Martin Reeves and Georg Wittenburg state in their article published in Harvard Business Review (September 7, 2015). Now, before anyone would close this blog spot (or their leadership book) and log on to Facebook to play Farmville, I’ve got to disappoint you: that’s not the game they are talking…
FLIGBY Leadership Skills
Developing leadership competencies by serious games The mission of the serious game FLIGBY is to identify, measure, and help develop leadership skills that, if applied, would help create a Flow-promoting work environment. At the Game’s end, FLIGBY provides an individual report to each player on his/her skill set, with a range of benchmarking option available.…