FLIGBY’s academic publications: The Leadership & Flow Global Research Network promotes academic cooperation, research, and publication in the broader fields related to Flow and Leadership theory, as well as the usage of Serious Games in teaching and training, skills measurement and HR predictive analytics. Most publications below are also enabled and driven by FLIGBY, Prof.…
Category: Academic
Academic Poster Presentation: Entrepreneurial Learning and FLIGBY’s Contribution (CEEMAN Annual Conference 2024).
By: Dr. Zoltan Buzady (2024) Presented at the 32nd CEEMAN Annual Conference, held at ICM Innsbruck, Austria (Sept 25-27) https://www.ceeman.org/news/call-for-poster-session-contributions-at-the-32nd-ceeman-annual-conference Poster presentation based on the 2024 original D1-category journal article: https://flowleadership.org/the-contribution-of-fligby-to-the-entrepreneurial-learning-outcomes-2024/ Full poster here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1zdl9eBK4DmKRa_t57s36w3hlYx45hGhv/view?usp=sharing Conference proceedings here: (to be added) Full list of ALL our publications here: https://flowleadership.org/publications-on-leadership-development-and-management-skills
Kazakhstan: going global in a post-Soviet country (chapter 10.) In: Global Leadership Practices (2024)
By: Zoltan Buzady and Anastassiya LipovkaIn: Global Leadership Practices (2nd edition), Edgar Elgar: https://www.elgaronline.com/edcollbook/book/9781035308088/9781035308088.xml Chapter 10 DOI: https://doi.org/10.4337/9781035308088.00021 Abstract (book): This forward-thinking book explores global leadership and the complexities inherent in its practice. Conceptual knowledge, learning tools and reflective exercises stimulate the reader to delve into self-development and to recognize how to develop competencies that…
Cultural Mosaics in Leadership: Building Bridges, Breaking Barriers – Perspectives from Turkey and Hungary – Organization of Turkic States Leadership Styles (Conference presentation, 2024)
By: Gavkhar Turaeva and Zoltan Buzady (2024) Presented at: https://geszk.kre.hu/clc2024/ Karoli Gaspar University Budapest, Sept 4-6., 2024, Christian Leadership Slides here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/10Fa2dc1hRxXorzVRB5e4s5liLF3iPT_H/view?usp=drive_link Full list of ALL our publications here: https://flowleadership.org/publications-on-leadership-development-and-management-skills
Gender composition at work and women’s career satisfaction: An international study of 35 societies (2024)
By: Jane L. Y. Terpstra-Tong, Len J. Treviño, (Zoltan Buzady) et al. In: Human Resource Management Journal (D1 category journal)DOI: http://doi.org/10.1111/1748-8583.12570 Abstract: Drawing from status characteristics theory, we develop a multilevel model to explain the relationships between gender composition (e.g., female-female supervisor-subordinate dyads, a female majority at the next higher level, and a female majority at…
The impact of gender-role-orientations on subjective career success: A multilevel study of 36 societies (2022)
By: Jane Terpstra-Tong, et al. (Zoltan Buzady).(2024).In: Journal of Vocational Behavior, Volume 138, (Q1 category journal)DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jvb.2022.103773 Highlights Abstract We investigate the relationships between gender-role-orientation (i.e., androgynous, masculine, feminine and undifferentiated) and subjective career success among business professionals from 36 societies. Drawing on the resource management perspective, we predict that androgynous individuals will report the…
FLIGBY for graduates’ employability enhancement in Computer Engineering (2024)
By: Almeida, F., & Buzady, Z. (2024).In: Computer Applications in Engineering Education (D1 category journal) DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/cae.22789 Abstract: Serious games can play a crucial role in developing competencies for the job market, offering an innovative and engaging approach to learning. This study uses FLIGBY to develop employability skills among computer engineering graduates. FLIGBY is a serious…
The Contribution of FLIGBY to the Entrepreneurial Learning Outcomes (2024)
By: Almeida, F., & Buzady, Z. (2024).In: Technology, Knowledge and Learning (D1 category Journal) https://doi.org/10.1007/s10758-024-09729-2 Abstract This study explores the contribution of serious game teaching technology, such as FLIGBY, to the development of entrepreneurial learning outcomes in the context of an entrepreneurship course in higher education. The sample is composed of 551 students through the…
Conducting Flow: A Quantitative Correlational Study of Music Conductor Leadership Traits in Millennial Business Managers (Doctoral Dissertation in Educational Leadership, 2024)
by: Corey Ames Ed.D. Abstract Individuals born between 1981 and 1996 are expected to be the dominant generation in the workforce by 2025. The problem is conventional leadership applications seem unrelated to the millennial generation’s need for workplace autonomy and adapting to volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous conditions. There is a gap in information about…
Musician Flow Component
A New Approach to Promoting Flow in the Workplace Today’s leaders face an insurmountable challenge of retaining high-quality employees. Not only are volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous (VUCA) situations arising, the workforce is embarking on a generational shift with significant implications for the effectiveness of more traditional and transactional leadership styles. When observing the sustainable…