Leadership and Gender in Kazakhstan: an integrative literature review (2024)

By: Lipovka A.V., PhD., associate professor, AlmaU, Kazakhstan (a.lipovka@almau.edu.kz) ORCID ID: 0000-0003-0471-2040 and Buzady Z., PhD, associate professor (zoltan@buzady.hu) ORCID ID: 0000-0002-9992-1744In: “Turan” University Scientific Journal, 2024. No. 3(103)DOI: https://doi.org/10.46914/1562-2959-2024-1-3-35-98-112 Abstract The requirements for today’s leaders have become more comprehensive and multifaceted due to increasing international labor migration, dynamic organizations’ digitalization, and penetration of generative artificial…

Kazakhstan: going global in a post-Soviet country (chapter 10.) In: Global Leadership Practices (2024)

By: Zoltan Buzady and Anastassiya LipovkaIn: Global Leadership Practices (2nd edition), Edgar Elgar: https://www.elgaronline.com/edcollbook/book/9781035308088/9781035308088.xml Chapter 10 DOI: https://doi.org/10.4337/9781035308088.00021 Abstract (book): This forward-thinking book explores global leadership and the complexities inherent in its practice. Conceptual knowledge, learning tools and reflective exercises stimulate the reader to delve into self-development and to recognize how to develop competencies that…

FLIGBY’s 29 Leadership Skills Analysis of Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Georgia, Armenia – latest research data

What people skills do you use most during work or other everyday activities? What are the competencies you use less but should? The “Leadership Skills Profile” is the award-winning, ultimate FLIGBY assessment designed along Prof. Csikszentmihalyi’s guidelines and insights.  The following summary shows how these 29 skills are distributed on average in Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Georgia,…

Exploring flow-promoting management and leadership skills via serious gaming

By: Zoltan Buzady, Agnes Wimmer, Anita Csesznak & Peter Szentesi at Corvinus University of Budapest, Hungary In: Interactive Learning Environments Scopus cite score: 7.2, (Q1)DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/10494820.2022.2098775 AbstractThe considerable proliferation of serious games (SG) in management education necessitates an academic foundation grounded in the concepts and practice of leadership, Flow, learning and development theory. Going beyond…

Use of Serious Games for Analysing Leadership Skills for Promoting Flow at the Workplace (in Hungarian)

Original title: A munkahelyi flow-állapot elősegítő vezetői képességek elemzése a komoly játék eszközével By: Zoltán Buzády, Ágnes Wimmer,  Anita Csesznák, Peter Szentesi at Corvinus University of BudapestIn: Vezetéstudomány (Management Science) DOI: https://lnkd.in/dwyKg7fS AbstractThis article explores the human aspect of leadership according to the principles outlined by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi’s seminal work, Flow Theory. Focusing on 29 leadership skills, in…

Millennials’ Leadership Skills for Promoting Flow and Profit in a Business Simulation

By Ali Badibanga and Matthew Ohlson https://doi.org/10.1002/jls.21768 ABSTRACT: Driven in part by the demands of an increasing number of millennial employees, organizations continue to shift away from traditional, hierarchical, command and control business strategies that may have focused solely on generating profit to enabling organizational cultures that focus on both people and profit. In the…

Oldie but Goldie!

View the concise key-note presentation about Flow-promoting Leadership Development via FLIBGY Professor Csikszentmihalyi’s official program. Presented at the IBM, SEE #BusinessConnect event by our Academic Director, Dr. Zoltan Buzady Ph.D. May The #Flow Be With You!

Non-Intrusive Measurement and Global Benchmarking of 29 Management & Leadership Skills via FLIGBY in Central Europe, Ukraine and Kazakhstan – Conference Presentation

By: Zoltan BuzadyProceedings of the 26th CEEMAN Annual Conference 19-21 September 2018 Prague FLIGBY = Flow Is Good Business for You – by Mihaly CsikszentmihalyFLIGBY (www.fligby.com) has been designed by academics and practicing experts to be the globe’s top leadership development game. The most important mission of this technological and teaching innovation is to train…

Game-based Leadership Profiling

A methodology of establishing leadership skill profile using gameplay data The mission of the serious game FLIGBY is to identify, measure, and help develop leadership skills. At the Game’s end, FLIGBY provides an individual report to each player on his/her skillset, with a range of benchmarking option available. In FLIGBY, each player‘s leadership profile is…