Flow, leadership and serious games – a pedagogical perspective

By: Zoltan Buzady (Corvinus University of Budapest, Budapest, Hungary)In: World Journal of Science, Technology and Sustainable DevelopmentVol. 14 Issue: 2/3, pp.204-217, DOI: 10.1108/WJSTSD-05-2016-0035Download here. This paper briefly outlines the relevance of flow, a core concept of positive psychology increasingly applied in leadership development and in serious gaming revealing that the quality of leadership across various…

The 5 Best Books of Dr. Flow

A strictly subjective ranking around Flow   Check out our list, and do not forget to vote for your favorite at the end of this article! We, here at FLIGBY, are real fans of Csikszentmihalyi’s books. Mike (his name is pronounced “me-HIGH chick-sent-me-HIGH-ee”) is one of the greatest thinkers of our age, a legendary pioneer of Positive…