The Power of Flow: What’s In It For You?

The benefits of Flow in our private life are inevitable. Why would it be important to promote flow within an organization as well? Here are the Flow Benefits in the working environment: Flow focuses your attention on what’s important and positive. When you’re in a Flow state, you shut down self-consciousness and negative mind-wandering. You…

Flow & Leadership - The Art of Balancing -

Flow & Leadership – The Art of Balancing – Autotelic Personality

NOTE: This blog assumes that the listener/reader would be familiar with the most basic concepts of FLOW and the globally-awarded management game, FLIGBY.A quick summary of those essentials are available Here. 👀👥🗣👥🧠 #Sneek #Read here: What is Zoltan Buzady discussing with his great students on his #GlobalManagementPractice CEMS – The Global Alliance in Management Education…

“A Futás Öröme” (Libri Kiadó, 2018, Csíkszentmihályi Mihály) – Előszó

Eredeti könyv cím: “Running Flow” (2017), “A Futás Öröme” (2018, Libri Kiadó), Szerző: Csíkszentmihályi Mihály és tsai. Előszó a magyar kiadáshoz –  Dr. Buzády Zoltán  In ENGLISH HERE „Ebben a rohanó világban – hallom olyan gyakran a panaszt – alig jut időm élvezni az életet! Vajon másoknak ez miért sikerül?” A futás örömében épp erre a sokakat feszítő kérdésre…

Why did Forrest Gump just ‘feel like running’?

The book reviewed in the foreword by Dr. Zoltan Buzady Associate Professor of Leadership, Corvinus University of BudapestDirector, Leadership & Flow Global Research Network “Running Flow” Mental immersion techniques for better running  An international bestseller book by Prof. Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi  CSIKSZENTMIHALYI “A Futás Öröme” (Libri Kiadó, 2018) ITT. “I am too stressed out!  I am trying hard to do my…

FLIGBY’s 29 Leadership Skills Analysis of Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Georgia, Armenia – latest research data

What people skills do you use most during work or other everyday activities? What are the competencies you use less but should? The “Leadership Skills Profile” is the award-winning, ultimate FLIGBY assessment designed along Prof. Csikszentmihalyi’s guidelines and insights.  The following summary shows how these 29 skills are distributed on average in Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Georgia,…

Flow Theory, Faculty Development & Pedagogy

Dr. Zoltan Buzady, Associate Professor of Leadership, and Academic Ambassador of FLIGBY, delivered an international faculty development training and workshop series for university colleaguesFaculty members represented numerous areas of science: pedagogy, applied psychology, business, and English philology. The topics of the video interviews (below) are: What is the essence of Flow theory? Which abilities and…

The FLIGBY Crossword Game – “Fun & Flow”

Play ONLINE here Printable version here: Full Quiz / Picture here PNG Across 4. the best winemaker 6. you lose in Flow 7. optimal experience and global bestseller title 9. almost in Flow 13. another type of happiness 15. The Guru himself 18. 25+ years at the winery 21. must be immediate 22. No…., no Flow 25. you probably forgot to read this regularly 26. is…

#RunningFlow RE-Loaded

#RunningFlow news: Will Leonidas of Rhodes, a Triastes (#overachiever) of the Olympiads in 164BC, 160BC, 156BC and 152BC, who won in each of these three different foot races, remain a #champion next year in #Tokyoy2020 #Tokyo2021? “The three events at which he triumphed were the Stadion, a sprint of roughly 200m; the Diaulos, which was twice the…