Why did Forrest Gump just ‘feel like running’?

The book reviewed in the foreword by Dr. Zoltan Buzady Associate Professor of Leadership, Corvinus University of BudapestDirector, Leadership & Flow Global Research Network “Running Flow” Mental immersion techniques for better running  An international bestseller book by Prof. Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi  CSIKSZENTMIHALYI “A Futás Öröme” (Libri Kiadó, 2018) ITT. “I am too stressed out!  I am trying hard to do my…

30 Years Jubilee: Super Bowl, Flow, Creativity & You!

Today, 30 years ago, in 1993, in February, a set of rather extraordinary and important events happened. Many people have been inspired to creativity by the ideas of Prof. Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi. But only a few people know that the widespread use of the Flow theory is the result of “an unusual association. In 1993 Jimmy Johnson, coach…

Flow Leadership in Business – The optimal experience

One might think that it’s possible to put together a super team just by choosing individuals who represent great skills. But they forget, that after a while individuals do bring their own personality and their personal style to the group work.  For example, one person is particularly keen on time management, the next one on values…

Flow, leadership and serious games – a pedagogical perspective

By: Zoltan Buzady (Corvinus University of Budapest, Budapest, Hungary)In: World Journal of Science, Technology and Sustainable DevelopmentVol. 14 Issue: 2/3, pp.204-217, DOI: 10.1108/WJSTSD-05-2016-0035Download here. This paper briefly outlines the relevance of flow, a core concept of positive psychology increasingly applied in leadership development and in serious gaming revealing that the quality of leadership across various…

Flow, Leadership and Serious Games: A Pedagogical Perspective – Part 1

By: Zoltan Buzady Ph.D., Central European University Business School, Hungary. Overview This special issue of the ‘World Journal of Science, Technology, and Sustainable Development’ focuses on new, computer-based and/or online learning tools with the aim to present current trends and innovations to professionals, consultants, instructors, and academics. The author of this contribution is a researcher…

Book Review: FLOW The Psychology of Happiness

This blog entry is from our guest author: Bernie Gourley (Writer and Yoga Teacher) Recently, I read and reviewed Steven Kotler’s “The Rise of Superman”, which is about how extreme athletes use a mental state called “the flow” to pull off some miraculous feats (e.g. “hanging righteous air” to use an appropriate term of art.) That…

The second curve

I happened to be fortunate enough to attend at a public speech held by Charles Handy and listen to a short summary of his book: The second curve. I think the blogpost this week couldn’t be more actual than this. He used short stories and metaphores in helping us to get a deeper understanding of…


I happened to have a little bit of extra time recently and I dedicated it to watch the movie: Happy. This movie is about Roko Belic’s (the director) pursuit of happiness: he spent 5 years traveling around the world and asking people about happiness. If I had to sum up the conclusion of the movie,…

Parts of Prof. Csikszentmihalyi’s commencement address

This blogpost contains parts of Prof. Csikszentmihalyi’s commencement speech addressed at the Colorado College  in 2002. Even though this commencement address is 14 years old now, still contains ultimate truths that could serve as guiding principles of life: “Now that you are poised for this great transition, about to leave the safe for the unknown, it…