FLIGBY Leadership Skills

Developing leadership competencies by serious games The mission of the serious game FLIGBY is to identify, measure, and help develop leadership skills that, if applied, would help create a Flow-promoting work environment. At the Game’s end, FLIGBY provides an individual report to each player on his/her skill set, with a range of benchmarking option available.…

What Flow-Leadership Skills?

Excerpt from the “Missing Link Discovered” book   A key task in order to build scientific measures relating to Flow-based leadership personalities and competencies was identifying the management/leadership skills that facilitate the creation and maintenance of a Flow-based organizational culture. The producers of FLIGBY did just that, in cooperation with Prof. Csikszentmihalyi. His Good Business…

Soft Leadership Skills

An article by Zoltan Buzady, Associate Professor, CEU Business School      This Dilbert cartoon alludes to the so often mentioned “soft” skills not only needed for good management and leadership, but probably the essence of being sustainable success. “Soft” in contrast to “Hard”? Hard skills typically would include quantitative methodologies such as statistical calculations, accounting…

Leadership and Gender in Kazakhstan: an integrative literature review (2024)

By: Lipovka A.V., PhD., associate professor, AlmaU, Kazakhstan (a.lipovka@almau.edu.kz) ORCID ID: 0000-0003-0471-2040 and Buzady Z., PhD, associate professor (zoltan@buzady.hu) ORCID ID: 0000-0002-9992-1744In: “Turan” University Scientific Journal, 2024. No. 3(103)DOI: https://doi.org/10.46914/1562-2959-2024-1-3-35-98-112 Abstract The requirements for today’s leaders have become more comprehensive and multifaceted due to increasing international labor migration, dynamic organizations’ digitalization, and penetration of generative artificial…

Academic Poster Presentation: Entrepreneurial Learning and FLIGBY’s Contribution (CEEMAN Annual Conference 2024).

By: Dr. Zoltan Buzady (2024) Presented at the 32nd CEEMAN Annual Conference, held at ICM Innsbruck, Austria (Sept 25-27) https://www.ceeman.org/news/call-for-poster-session-contributions-at-the-32nd-ceeman-annual-conference Poster presentation based on the 2024 original D1-category journal article: https://flowleadership.org/the-contribution-of-fligby-to-the-entrepreneurial-learning-outcomes-2024/ Full poster here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1zdl9eBK4DmKRa_t57s36w3hlYx45hGhv/view?usp=sharing Conference proceedings here: (to be added) Full list of ALL our publications here: https://flowleadership.org/publications-on-leadership-development-and-management-skills

How to conduct a Peer Feedback Conversation and find Flow!

Tips, Tricks & Best Practices Fligby is an excellent leadership development tool for sure. By using the virtual-reality-like, interactive-movie-based simulated leadership situations it is the latest tool to train player-participants to become better leaders. The training process also teaches them how they can bring out the best abilities and creativity of their team and staff…

FLIGBY's academic publications

List of Our Most Important Academic Publications

FLIGBY’s academic publications: The Leadership & Flow Global Research Network promotes academic cooperation, research, and publication in the broader fields related to Flow and Leadership theory, as well as the usage of Serious Games in teaching and training, skills measurement and HR predictive analytics. Most publications below are also enabled and driven by FLIGBY, Prof.…

Kazakhstan: going global in a post-Soviet country (chapter 10.) In: Global Leadership Practices (2024)

By: Zoltan Buzady and Anastassiya LipovkaIn: Global Leadership Practices (2nd edition), Edgar Elgar: https://www.elgaronline.com/edcollbook/book/9781035308088/9781035308088.xml Chapter 10 DOI: https://doi.org/10.4337/9781035308088.00021 Abstract (book): This forward-thinking book explores global leadership and the complexities inherent in its practice. Conceptual knowledge, learning tools and reflective exercises stimulate the reader to delve into self-development and to recognize how to develop competencies that…

Cultural Mosaics in Leadership: Building Bridges, Breaking Barriers – Perspectives from Turkey and Hungary – Organization of Turkic States Leadership Styles (Conference presentation, 2024)

By: Gavkhar Turaeva and Zoltan Buzady (2024) Presented at: https://geszk.kre.hu/clc2024/ Karoli Gaspar University Budapest, Sept 4-6., 2024, Christian Leadership Slides here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/10Fa2dc1hRxXorzVRB5e4s5liLF3iPT_H/view?usp=drive_link Full list of ALL our publications here: https://flowleadership.org/publications-on-leadership-development-and-management-skills

Gender composition at work and women’s career satisfaction: An international study of 35 societies (2024)

By: Jane L. Y. Terpstra-Tong, Len J. Treviño, (Zoltan Buzady) et al. In: Human Resource Management Journal (D1 category journal)DOI: http://doi.org/10.1111/1748-8583.12570 Abstract: Drawing from status characteristics theory, we develop a multilevel model to explain the relationships between gender composition (e.g., female-female supervisor-subordinate dyads, a female majority at the next higher level, and a female majority at…