​​What is the most important aspect you have learned in the Leading People course?

Flow-Leadership Skills Development via Serious Game FLIGBY

See Also: https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:7063519593989836800/

The most important thing I learned in this course was how dramatically you can increase performance and well-being by accurately mapping each person’s current state. Anyone who has experienced the flow state knows that the more time you spend in it the better. I would never have thought before that as a leader I could make a meaningful contribution to inducing a flow state in my colleagues.

​I came to realize that my specific skill set is what is good for me in my current position. That there are other skills that I need to develop further to be a more effective leader as a whole. That being said, the organizational fit is also important (case​ of​ Rebecca). In my view, there is quite a lot of EQ, emotional intelligence that is required to be an effective leader. For me, this is a conscientious effort (ie. doesn’t come naturally) and as an introvert, it may be straining before I can master the soft aspects to the point that it is perceived as natural by myself. Definitely a beginning of a journey: as much as theory is useful, I think it’s more about the practice to become a good leader: in my current position this is less obvious.​

The Flow theory itself, furthermore the Fligby game: that’s really a great way how to enhance leadership skills, with a modern, joyful, and interesting tool.

That there’s always room for improvement and that the FLOW state is a quasi-simple thing, but it’s still very difficult to achieve, especially in a work environment.

You have to try to sense the different states of mind and put up the right questions and motivators for everyone to excel in something. Finding the Flow.

I love the concept of flow. I want to be more conscious about my interactions and understand the state people are in and personalize my approach to them to help them get back to their flow.

Managing people, a science in its own right. Leadership is not just about getting better results, setting targets, delegating tasks, it is about people management. Applying it correctly can often produce better results than a more analytical approach.

I would say that y our course confirmed my long conviction that it’s crucial to aspire to achieve a flow state of mind for yourself and your coworkers in order to achieve truly great performance and develop your business outside of normally set limits / beyond expectations.

Individual well-being is key to a happy and motivated work environment.

keep your calm in every situation, and give a certain time for things to unfold, but at the same time be committed to your goals and do not allow getting derailed from your journey.

The most important thing I’ve learned in this course is the power of personal reflection and self-awareness in becoming a better leader. Through activities like the Personal Applied Learning Blog and the FLIGBY simulation game, I’ve come to understand the importance of assessing my own strengths and weaknesses as a leader.

By taking the time to reflect and set new goals for my personal growth, I’ve gained a deeper understanding of my leadership style and how I can improve. This process has made me more conscious of my emotions and how they impact my interactions with others in a professional setting.

Overall, this course has equipped me with valuable knowledge and tools to enhance my leadership skills and adopt a more holistic approach to leading people. By embracing continuous self-assessment and improvement, I feel more prepared to tackle challenges within my organization and make meaningful contributions to the success of my team.

A good team with great collaboration serves as the backbone of a successful business. Collaboration enhances productivity, problem-solving capabilities, communication, and coordination. It fosters mutual support, growth, innovation, and adaptability. Furthermore, collaboration nurtures positive team dynamics, contributing to job satisfaction and a positive work environment. By prioritizing and fostering collaboration, businesses can unlock the full potential of their teams and achieve long-term success.

29 leadership skills and the Flow radar

​Learning how to motivate and inspire others, provide constructive feedback, and resolve conflicts are key skills that contribute to successful leadership and team management.


Is there anything else you want to tell me? (optional)

I am happy I had the chance to play Fligby and by this to have a better understanding of the Flow theory!

You have had one of the most useful and meaningful courses in EMBA training.

I am looking forward to reading “Running flow” (comment added: ‘ by Prof. Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi’).​

Love ya 🙂 Been a great blessing to have you run our PLDP, keep in touch!


Professor Buzády’s enthusiasm and professionalism during the MBA course were truly inspiring. He brought lessons to life with real stories, making everything we learned so much more relatable.​

Thanks for the great course Zoltán – wouldn’t have expected anything less than great from you of course, but you’ve met and exceeded expectations!

Thank you for this experience!

​​After the course, I’m definitely hoping to stay in touch with Professor Buzády. He’s been a mentor to me, and I think there’s a lot more wisdom I can gain from him. I’m also excited to visit his tea house—I’m sure it’ll be as unique and interesting as his classes. Thank you, Professor Buzády, for making this course a great journey!​

I am very thankful and appreciative of this course.

This course has a great concept, thank you for everything.

I enjoyed your positive energy and professional, inspiring style of lecturing. Plus may the flow be with you is a great slogan:)

Great course. I am planning to play the Fligby game with my wife and pointed my immediate manager to the game: as we discussed in our 1-to-1 about the progress in university.

Excellent work, make all MBA courses like a fligby game. reach out anytime when any support is needed.

Playing FLIGBY, with his guidance, was an amazing experience. It was a real deep dive into leadership, and I felt like I learned so much, thanks to his dedication.

Great leadership session and worth every minute. It was a mistake to put this session to semester #4 where our focus was the thesis writing and limited bandwidth for any other activity.

Thank you for a truly world-class experience.


