Play ONLINE here Printable version here: Full Quiz / Picture here PNG Across 4. the best winemaker 6. you lose in Flow 7. optimal experience and global bestseller title 9. almost in Flow 13. another type of happiness 15. The Guru himself 18. 25+ years at the winery 21. must be immediate 22. No…., no Flow 25. you probably forgot to read this regularly 26. is…
Gamification and Advanced Technology to Enhance Motivation in Education (free download book)
Read our latest publication: FLIGBY – A Serious Game Tool to Enhance Motivation and Competencies in Entrepreneurship, by Zoltan Buzady, Corvinus University of Budapest, Hungary & Fernando Almeida, Polytechnic Institute of Gaya, Portugal In: Gamification and Advanced Technology to Enhance Motivation in Education, Faraon Llorens-Largo & Rafael Molina-Carmona (Eds.), September 2020, MDPI booksISBN 978-3-03936-970-6 (Hbk);…
FLIGBY — A Serious Game Tool to Enhance Motivation and Competencies in Entrepreneurship
By: Zoltan Buzady, Corvinus University of Budapest, Hungary & Fernando Almeida, Polytechnic Institute of Gaya, Portugal In: Gamification and Advanced Technology to Enhance Motivation in Education, Faraon Llorens-Largo & Rafael Molina-Carmona (Eds.), September 2020, MDPI booksISBN 978-3-03936-970-6 (Hbk); ISBN 978-3-03936-971-3 (PDF) ABSTRACT: Entrepreneurship is currently one of the most fundamental economic activities in the 21st century.…
Oldie but Goldie!
View the concise key-note presentation about Flow-promoting Leadership Development via FLIBGY Professor Csikszentmihalyi’s official program. Presented at the IBM, SEE #BusinessConnect event by our Academic Director, Dr. Zoltan Buzady Ph.D. May The #Flow Be With You!
How to become a real PRO in Flow-promoting Leadership?
Dear Colleagues, Partners, and Friends! (1) I am sharing with you now the ESSENCE Flow-promoting Leadership Theory in a concise, edited webinar-video (56 Minutes). (2) After it you will be highly interested in finding out about your own leadership skills portfolio too! (3) You will wish to become a real PRO in Flow-leadership via FLIGBY,…
How the World’s Best Drivers Use the “Flow State” to Win Races
The upcoming weekend will be full of Flow events at The Formula1 Hungarian Grand-Prix! But first, read about the history of the legendary Hungaroring race track: Classical. This is what it has become over the past years, the race track of Hungaroring. It was built almost three and a half decades ago as a rarity…
#RunningFlow RE-Loaded
#RunningFlow news: Will Leonidas of Rhodes, a Triastes (#overachiever) of the Olympiads in 164BC, 160BC, 156BC and 152BC, who won in each of these three different foot races, remain a #champion next year in #Tokyoy2020 #Tokyo2021? “The three events at which he triumphed were the Stadion, a sprint of roughly 200m; the Diaulos, which was twice the…
The ‘Evolving Self’ – Another global bestseller by Prof. Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
My 25+ years of practice leadership development and management theory make me share with you what is the most important question in life. Many of you might have read it already in one of the best books of the past 3 decades, The Evolving Self by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi (1993): Given the level of habituality that…
29 FLIGBY Skills (magyarul)
29 vezetői készség a FLIGBY alkalmazásában Buzády Zoltán és Wimmer Ágnes, Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem Értő figyelem (Active listening) – Az értő figyelem (active listening) a másik fél megértésének eszköze, tudatos koncentrálás a másik fél közléseire, aktív hallgatás és odafigyelés a beszélő gondolataira és érzelmeire, az üzenetre és annak mélyebb kontextusára. Az értő figyelem segíti az egyértelmű kommunikációt…
Stress is Dead, Long Live the Time Pressure!
It is quite common to find a job as a result of your internship. Less often it happens that a student is offered a job as a result of data collection for an MA thesis. This is exactly what happened to KADRI HANSSON, a UI/UX designer and fresh Master of Business Administration from Estonian Business…