Flow-Leadership via FLIGBY at the best European Business Schools via CEMS (updated)

Our Leadership & Flow Global Research Network has entered a strategic cooperation with Corvinus Business School, a leader in business and management education in Central Europe and beyond. The core of this new strategic alliance is to enable new generations of outstanding future leaders and managers to experience Csikszentmihalyi’s official Flow-promoting Leadership Development simulation game as part of…

Leaders of People – A Poem by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi

The leaders of people have one of four names: Procustes, Napoleon, Sam, or Solon. Procustes believes, and his people must live behind the bars of his faith. Napoleon gambles — and win or lose – his people pay. Uncle Sam sits in a manor that resembles a store, And counts pennies, hoping for more and…

Flow-promoting Leadership and FLIGBY Values

Flow-promoting Leadership and Csikszentmihalyi’s idea about “Good Business” While most people enjoy working when it provides Flow, too few jobs are designed to make Flow possible. This is where management can make a real difference. For a manager or leader who truly cares about the bottom line in the broadest sense of that term, the first priority…

Learning Entrepreneurship in Higher Education Through Flow Theory and FLIGBY Game

By: Fernando Almeida (Polytechnic Institute of Gaya, Porto, Portugal) and Zoltán Buzády (Corvinus University of Budapest, Budapest, Hungary) In: International Journal of Virtual and Personal Learning Environments (IJVPLE)9(1)  2019 |Volume: 9 |Issue: 1 |Article: 1 |Pages: 15 ISSN: 1947-8518|EISSN: 1947-8526|DOI: 10.4018/IJVPLE.2019010101https://www.igi-global.com/gateway/article/218214 Download here. ABSTRACT This article performs an exploratory study of the potential of flow theory and the FLIGBY game to contribute to developing entrepreneurship competencies among higher…

What are the benefits of using Simulation in Leadership Development?

Real Training, Real Learning The leadership training business realized the benefits of using simulation and has been a keen adopter of these applications since the early years of the Internet age, but the quality and accuracy of the virtual environments are better now than they ever have been before. Simulation and virtual reality technology are developing…

In New Leadership We Flow – Lead4Skills

  A recent International Labour Organization study “Skills mismatch in Europe study 2014”, shows that labour market in Europe demonstrates various types of skill mismatch, including mismatch between the number of job seekers and employment opportunities, which is reflected in unemployment. The overall aim of the  “Lead4Skills” project is to provide higher education institutions (HEI)…

10 professions who must play FLIGBY – are you one of them?

 A Leadership Game You Have Never Seen Before Contribution by: Bence Peter Biro FLIGBY, our flow-promoting leadership development serious game has been designed with the purpose to make you a better leader. The biggest scientific contributor to this simulation game is Prof Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, psychologist, researcher and author of numerous global best selling books, most notably Flow.…

Global Champion Award for FLIGBY: Pedagogy Innovation 2018

Global Champion innovation award for FLIGBY simulation-based leadership classes representing the best in management education today CEEMAN, the International Association for Management Development in Dynamic Societies, is an international association that joins more than 210 members from 54 countries around the globe. Launched in 2010, the annual Champions Awards recognize and promote outstanding achievements in the categories…