Why Motivation is an Exercise

Imagine an instance when you get struck by an intriguing idea, play out the possibilities in your head, and decide to make it happen. This is a process most people are familiar with.

It usually happens once you set new goals or you were recently inspired to create a change in your life. In reality though, it’s not as simple as it sounds.

Motivation is defined as “the desire to do something.” There are many reasons why you could be driven to pursue a certain task. Whatever your purpose is, it’s all right to admit that at some point in your journey, you may find motivation difficult to sustain.

Leaders are one of the most brilliant examples of people who carry the passion for their pursuits. Our site, focusing on Leadership and Flow released a video on what makes a good leader, which explains that it’s important to find out your team’s needs in any task at hand. Part of this includes finding out what they’re having trouble with, thinking of ways how you can help, and keeping the morale of your team high. While leaders are wired to power through any adversity, there may be some days when they may lose touch with motivation as well.

Remember why you started

Whether it’s a business venture or a project you initiated at work, you most likely have a big vision that enticed you to start. Being clear with what you want can help you evaluate what your project needs in order to succeed. However, motivation can fade because of all the other factors that come into play once you’ve started setting things in motion. You realize that it’s not easy to reach your target. That’s why it’s always important to remember your purpose.
Always try your best to align your actions with your goal. For instance, if you want to establish the best restaurant in your city, consider others’ opinions and embrace suggestions. Ask for reviews, and find out what you can do better. Keep an open mind and accept that this is part of the process. In return, helping your team remember what the project means to them can put back the sparkle in their eyes as they work with more gusto.

Build a strategy

Sometimes, it’s easy to rush into a project without thinking of a Plan B. This is when motivation can go down the drain. Care2 notes that drawbacks can take a toll on goals because they can make it seem impossible to overcome the hurdles. As a leader, make sure to set up strategies to solve potential problems you may encounter. Menlo Coaching views strategic planning as one of the top values a leader should possess because it allows you to foresee problems and create solutions for it beforehand. It isn’t possible to plan for every circumstance, but being prepared is better than improvising your way out of tricky situation.

Showing that you can tackle difficult situations will inspire your co-workers that it’s possible to rise above challenges. It will also make them more confident that the project is in capable hands, which builds trust in your team.

Know when to ask for help

“A great leader is a great follower.” This quote speaks volumes, and its message can be applied in numerous situations. When the going gets tough, it’s alright to lean on your team for support as they might have great ideas on how to overcome the challenges. It’s a great sign that teamwork is present among everyone. Inc. Magazine claims that collaboration is an invaluable sign of a happy workplace, which is another great factor in motivating people. If you’re comfortable with who you work with, productivity will increase.

Seeking support will also demonstrate to your team that asking for help does not make less of a person. This is what being a leader is: keeping everything real and attainable, while simultaneously encouraging your members to stay motivated.

There will be days when it seems like you want to drop your project and start from scratch. Cultivate awareness of your vision, explore creative ways to beat your problems, and be humble enough to know when you’ve reached your limit. The important thing is to keep your motivation strong. It won’t be easy, but the journey will develop you in ways you may not imagine – and that transformation is priceless.

Exclusively submitted to flowleadership.org by: Jazmine Blake

Jazmine Blake is an HR consultant with 9 years of prior experience in organizational development.
She mainly works today with SMEs, focusing on how to train and grow their staff in the most efficient and effective ways.

