What we are planning to research

Excerpt from the “Missing Link Discovered” book


The essence of being in a Flow state is the matching of challenges with management/leadership skills. Whereas the skill side of this coupling has been widely researched and categorized (and is often used in everyday practice), the challenge side has been underexplored, and is uncategorized. That is at the core of our unique research focus and approach.


We plan to start by assembling a substantial collection of the most important challenges one can identify at the workplace. Next, those challenges need to be categorized, if possible, already according to the above three dimensions. The research can then proceed by finding statistical correlations between challenges and skills that are particularly helpful or unhelpful (hinder) mastering the concrete challenge type.

Taking our research ideas to another level, future research results can find uses in better predicting the future dynamics of organizational changes by employing predicting Big Data modeling. By identifying the most relevant emerging challenges in the external business environment (which will indicate the kinds of skills most relevant for dealing with them), current skill-sets can be compared with those needed in the future. Based on such gap analysis, the research will be able to assess the appropriateness of current learning and development tools, techniques and strategies. The objective is to find new and effective ways of leadership skill measurements and development.


(Read more in our new book “Missing Link Discovered” by: Marer-Buzady-Vecsey)

