Quick Facts About Flow & FLIGBY


  • Flow is a mental state in which a person performing an activity is fully immersed in a feeling of energized focus, full involvement, and enjoyment. Flow, creativity and happiness are related. 
  • Prof. Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, a distinguished social science scholar, found an inventive way to make happiness measurable. He discovered under what conditions people can mobilize their energy to the maximum, focus on the most difficult tasks and be positive at the same time. He is the founder of research into creativity and positive psychology, which help people create psychological capital (this concept complements the theory of financial, human, social and organizational capital). His works on the theory and practice of Flow are widely known throughout the world.
  • Studies conducted around the world have shown that in whatever context people feel a deep sense of enjoyment – even if the task is simple – they report a remarkably similar mental state that many described by using the analogy of being carried away by an outside force, of moving effortlessly with a current of energy. Csikszentmihalyi gave the name “Flow” to this common experience.
  • While most people enjoy working when it provides Flow, too few jobs are designed to make Flow possible. This is where management can make a real difference.
  • For a manager or leader who truly cares about the bottom line in the broadest sense of that term, the first priority is to eliminate obstacles to Flow at all levels of the organization and to substitute practices and policies that are designed to make work enjoyable.
  • A workplace conducive to Flow is ideal because it attracts the most able individuals, www.dustandmop.com/ is likely to keep them longer, and obtains spontaneous effort from their work. It is best, too, from the viewpoint of employees because it helps them to a happier life, and it supports their skill development and personal growth.


  • Prof. Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi has co-produced FLIGBY, teaching how to generate FLOW at the workplace.
  • Designated by experts as the globe’s top leadership development game (Gold Medal Prize, International Serious Play Awards, Seattle, 2012) and winner of the international pedagogical innovations prize (CEEMAN, 2018)
  • Employs real-life simulation, in an interactive, movie-like setting; teaching how Flow can be promoted at the workplace. Aspiring, as well as experienced managers, will identify with it and learn from it.
  • FLIGBY is the “gamification” of the Flow-based leadership growth process. We show how one can build an entire training/course around it or use it just to enrich and enliven existing courses.
  • Although FLIGBY is Flow-based, the leadership challenges and the options it presents are fully compatible with a wide range of leadership theories and approaches, enhancing them all.
  • At the Game’s end, FLIGBY provides an individual report to each player on his/her skill sets, with a range of benchmarking options available.
  • FLIGBY brings excitement and inspiration to the teaching of a wide span of leadership topics; most players experience personal Flow during the Game.
  • FLIGBY is available as a powerful management-training and consulting tool with which to approach any organization interested in improving the performance of its managers/leaders. Try it in a course and see where it can lead!
  • FLIGBY’s large data-set offers a unique research opportunity because the players’ leadership skill measurements are based on non-intrusive observations, yielding unbiased outcomes.
Explore the FLIGBY Webpage also
Read our Book on Flow, Leadership Development and FLIGBY

With comments or questions, please contact:
Dr. Zoltan Buzady
Associate Professor of Management 
Director of the  ‘Leadership & Flow Global Research Network’

