Why-How-What: Defining FLIGBY’s Mission

Explaining FLIGBY based on Simon Sinek’s “Start with Why” approach


WHY? – Building Better Workplaces and a Better World

Contrary to what most of us believe, happiness does not simply happen to us. It’s something that we make happen, and it results from our doing our best while meeting challenging, meaningful goals. This is how Generations Y and Z find their Flow: working for a cause, not just for a living.

HOW? – Building Better Leaders! FLIGBY Develops Flow-promoting Leadership Skills

Leadership can make a real difference: it has the ability to improve quality of life. We need leaders who believe in goals that benefit, others, not just themselves. Flow-promoting Leadership creates an environment where people enjoy their work and grow in the process of doing it. Our game-based psychometrics test, measure, and develop Flow-promoting Leadership skills.

WHAT? – Transforming Leadership Development

FLIGBY is the official Flow program for decision-makers, developed in cooperation with Dr. Csikszentmihalyi. The simulation format, combined with advanced data-driven user analytics, helps leaders understand how they behave and the impact on those they lead. FLIGBY redefines Leadership Development to prepare users for 21st-century challenges.

What Problem is FLIGBY solving?

  • Traditional leadership practices do not support sustainable growth and do not promote Flow – Traditional leadership development does not address the core issues impacting workplace motivation and performance. Its focus is on optimizing roles within existing structures according to inflexible ideas about best practices, rather than creating an environment where people enjoy their work and grow in their ability to meet increasingly complex challenges.
  • Traditional leadership development approaches do not support experiential learning – Leadership has an enormous influence on employees’ status and their futures. Classic leadership development treats leadership as too “serious” to allow a space for experiential learning.

What is FLIGBY’s solution?

  • FLIGBY is designed according to the principles of Good Business. Good Business aligns a company’s practices with authentic values.  Good Business creates conditions for flow in the workplace. FLIGBY helps users practice and refine leadership skills for Good Business.
  • FLIGBY is the “flight-simulator” of people-management. It fosters individual and organizational performance and offers an engaging way to analyze the real-time consequences of managerial decisions. FLIGBY offers sophisticated practice in a safe environment. It can compress 8 months of real management experience into 6 hours of game-based learning.


