Professor Csikszentmihalyi’s Good Business is more than a bestseller book. It’s rather a guide for anyone who values the positive contributions of individuals in the changing world of business. Prof. Csikszentmihalyi, who introduced the concept of “Flow”, extends its application in his book “Good Business” to the role of business in society. Csikszentmihalyi describes “Good Business” as a guidance for…
Category: Prof. Csikszentmihalyi
Memories with Isabella Selega Csíkszentmihályi (1938-2023)
“A Futás Öröme” (Libri Kiadó, 2018, Csíkszentmihályi Mihály) – Előszó
Eredeti könyv cím: “Running Flow” (2017), “A Futás Öröme” (2018, Libri Kiadó), Szerző: Csíkszentmihályi Mihály és tsai. Előszó a magyar kiadáshoz – Dr. Buzády Zoltán In ENGLISH HERE „Ebben a rohanó világban – hallom olyan gyakran a panaszt – alig jut időm élvezni az életet! Vajon másoknak ez miért sikerül?” A futás örömében épp erre a sokakat feszítő kérdésre…
30 Years Jubilee: Super Bowl, Flow, Creativity & You!
Today, 30 years ago, in 1993, in February, a set of rather extraordinary and important events happened. Many people have been inspired to creativity by the ideas of Prof. Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi. But only a few people know that the widespread use of the Flow theory is the result of “an unusual association. In 1993 Jimmy Johnson, coach…
The Theory of “Flow” And Its Relevance for Organizations – 1st part from the working paper
Since the publication of ‘Missing Link Discovered,’ Zoltan Buzady (Ph.D., Corvinus University of Budapest, Hungary) and Paul Marer (Ph.D., Professor Emeritus, Hungary) have continued researching the implications of the theory of Flow for effective leadership, elaborating on and expanding the book’s first two chapters. This Working Paper is a progress report on that continuing research; the first of two…
The ‘Flow’ Professor: Mihaly Csikszentmihaly (1934-2021)
‘What is FLIGBY & who is using it?’ Quick video with Prof. Csikszentmihalyi (1 min.)
We have asked Prof. Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, the founder of positive psychology & discoverer of #Flow, to tells about FLIGBY. In our brief videoreport, he shares a few successful projects and corporations, who have already used FLIGBY for finding more Flow at work. FLIGBY is the global award-winning Serious Game solution for the development of Flow-promoting…
The ‘Evolving Self’ – Another global bestseller by Prof. Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
My 25+ years of practice leadership development and management theory make me share with you what is the most important question in life. Many of you might have read it already in one of the best books of the past 3 decades, The Evolving Self by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi (1993): Given the level of habituality that…
Earth Day, Fashion Week and Flow
Yes, you might wonder how on earth might these fuzzy concept-catchwords be connected, and why on Earth Day? A McKinsey Blog about the top fashion trends highlights the following directions such as creating an inclusive culture, establish new social media platforms for classic brands, focus on sustainability to reduce resource usages such as energy, pollutants,…
How To Get Into Flow State 💡 |Become A Productive BEAST! Flow state is something super important for programmers and, those who have entered this state know what I’m talking about. John Sonmez:Okay. Now, I know a lot of people have different ideas of what flow is, what exactly is flow? And, I mean, probably some people are watching like “I don’t even know what…