Conducting Flow: A Quantitative Correlational Study of Music Conductor Leadership Traits in Millennial Business Managers (Doctoral Dissertation in Educational Leadership, 2024)

by: Corey Ames Ed.D. Abstract Individuals born between 1981 and 1996 are expected to be the dominant generation in the workforce by 2025. The problem is conventional leadership applications seem unrelated to the millennial generation’s need for workplace autonomy and adapting to volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous conditions. There is a gap in information about…

Musician Flow Component

A New Approach to Promoting Flow in the Workplace Today’s leaders face an insurmountable challenge of retaining high-quality employees. Not only are volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous (VUCA) situations arising, the workforce is embarking on a generational shift with significant implications for the effectiveness of more traditional and transactional leadership styles. When observing the sustainable…

The Harmony of Climate and Culture

An Audience Perspective on Leadership Flow Impact The complexities of leadership often go unnoticed. When attending the performance of a symphony orchestra, there is often a visual understanding that the positive climate and culture a conductor creates with their musicians produces the highest quality of music (Meals, 2020). On one such occasion, I had the…

30 Years Jubilee: Super Bowl, Flow, Creativity & You!

Today, 30 years ago, in 1993, in February, a set of rather extraordinary and important events happened. Many people have been inspired to creativity by the ideas of Prof. Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi. But only a few people know that the widespread use of the Flow theory is the result of “an unusual association. In 1993 Jimmy Johnson, coach…