By: Zoltan Buzady and Anastassiya Lipovka
In: Global Leadership Practices (2nd edition), Edgar Elgar:
Chapter 10 DOI:
Abstract (book): This forward-thinking book explores global leadership and the complexities inherent in its practice. Conceptual knowledge, learning tools and reflective exercises stimulate the reader to delve into self-development and to recognize how to develop competencies that lead to global collaboration. The book also illustrates specific practices that address the challenges of diversity, equity and inclusion and provides reflections on the role of global leaders in guiding and advancing sustainability transformation.
Abstract (Chapter): This chapter provides an overview of the history and development of the successor countries in the vast territory of the former Soviet Union. A deeper focus will be applied to Kazakhstan, the Republic in Central Asia with the most developed economy of the former Soviet Union countries. The case of the IT company ‘Success Group’ describes the internationalization process of two entrepreneurs from Almaty and their efforts to find opportunities to diversify business across borders. Fundamental concepts related to the culture and people will be discussed, such as the role of family, clans and tribes, the varying notions of what constitutes performance, the peculiar functionality of HRM and the process of organizational decision-making. The chapter also deals with newly emerging realities and the role of women in management.
Keywords: Kazakhstan; Post-Soviet countries; Central Asia; HRM; Gender roles; Internationalization processes
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