Development of Soft Skills Competencies Through the Use of FLIGBY

By Fernando Almeida, Zoltan Buzady (2022) In: Technology, Pedagogy and Education (Q1), March 2022.This journal is indexed in WoS (Core: 2.529) and Scopus (Q1). Abstract Serious games have been successfully used for learning and training purposes. Traditionally serious games have been used in the development of hard skills, particularly in technical areas such as health, engineering, defense, or the environment. However,…

Flow Theory, Faculty Development & Pedagogy

Dr. Zoltan Buzady, Associate Professor of Leadership, and Academic Ambassador of FLIGBY, delivered an international faculty development training and workshop series for university colleaguesFaculty members represented numerous areas of science: pedagogy, applied psychology, business, and English philology. The topics of the video interviews (below) are: What is the essence of Flow theory? Which abilities and…

Gamification and Advanced Technology to Enhance Motivation in Education (free download book)

Read our latest publication: FLIGBY – A Serious Game Tool to Enhance Motivation and Competencies in Entrepreneurship, by Zoltan Buzady, Corvinus University of Budapest, Hungary & Fernando Almeida, Polytechnic Institute of Gaya, Portugal In: Gamification and Advanced Technology to Enhance Motivation in Education, Faraon Llorens-Largo & Rafael Molina-Carmona (Eds.), September 2020, MDPI booksISBN 978-3-03936-970-6 (Hbk);…

FLIGBY Skills Tool Box – Conflict Management

Prof. Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, author of the global best-seller book Good Business, conducted deep interviews with several leaders of internationally successful, and sustainable organizations. He found that these successfully created Flow-promoting Organizations and implemented the Flow-Leadership style. Together with him, our team at Aleas Sims/FLIGBY has identified a core of  29 management and leadership skills.   In cooperation with…