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Zoltan Buzady, Ph.D.

Director, Program Mgmt Board (Assoc. Prof. of Management, Corvinus University of Budapest, Hungary)


Zoltan graduated at the L.S.E. and earned his MBA at the CASS Business School, London. After his Ph.D. he became a professor teaching OB, Leadership and Design Thinking at prestigious universities and business schools in Hungary, Germany, Switzerland and Kazakhstan to MBAs and on executive and corporate education programs. On several occasions, he won the 1st prize in global case writing competitions. Zoltan served as a Faculty Director of MBA Programs at the CEU (Central European University) and Budapest School of Management (Corvinus University), Budapest, Hungary. Check out Zoltan’s introductory video!
Would you like to know more about the flow-promoting leadership training? Check out Zoltan’s explanatory video!

Zsadany “Zad” Vecsey, MBA

Member, Program Mgmt Board (Co-founder and CEO, ALEAS Simulations, Inc.)


Zad received his degree in organizational behavior from the Corvinus University and his MBA from the London Business School. He began his professional management consultant career at Coopers & Lybrand. Afterwards, as the CEO of IQ ConsultinG, he introduced international brands in Central Europe such as the “LEGO Serious Play”. He is the co-founder and CEO of ALEAS Simulations, Inc., California, the producer, and owner of the “FLIGBY” concept and serious game.