29 FLIGBY Skills (magyarul)

29 vezetői készség a FLIGBY alkalmazásában   Buzády Zoltán és Wimmer Ágnes, Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem Értő figyelem (Active listening)  – Az értő figyelem (active listening) a másik fél megértésének eszköze, tudatos koncentrálás a másik fél közléseire, aktív hallgatás és odafigyelés a beszélő gondolataira és érzelmeire, az üzenetre és annak mélyebb kontextusára. Az értő figyelem segíti az egyértelmű kommunikációt…

An East-Versus-West Update: The Non-Intrusive Measurement and Global Benchmarking of 29 Management and Leadership Skills via FLIGBY in Central Europe, Ukraine and Kazakhstan (2019 Update)  – Conference Presentation

By: Zoltan BuzadyProceedings of the 27th CEEMAN Annual Conference 25-27 September 2019 Wrocław, PolandDownload here. “Flow Is Good Business for You” (FLIGBY) (www.fligby.com) is a top-leadership development game, designed by academics and practicing experts. The important mission of this technological and teaching innovation is to train and develop future leaders, and explain to them the…

Adoption of a Serious Game in the Developing of Emotional Intelligence Skills

By: Fernando Almeida, Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto, PortugalIn: Eur. J. Investig. Health Psychol. Educ.2020, 10(1), 30-43; https://doi.org/10.3390/ejihpe10010004 ABSTRACT:Emotional intelligence is intrinsically associated with the ability to understand, manage, and express feelings and deal with other people’s emotions. This competence is essential for the formation, development, and maintenance of personal and professional relationships. Furthermore, emotional…

In New Leadership We Flow – Lead4Skills

  A recent International Labour Organization study “Skills mismatch in Europe study 2014”, shows that labour market in Europe demonstrates various types of skill mismatch, including mismatch between the number of job seekers and employment opportunities, which is reflected in unemployment. The overall aim of the  “Lead4Skills” project is to provide higher education institutions (HEI)…

Non-Intrusive Measurement and Global Benchmarking of 29 Management & Leadership Skills via FLIGBY in Central Europe, Ukraine and Kazakhstan – Conference Presentation

By: Zoltan BuzadyProceedings of the 26th CEEMAN Annual Conference 19-21 September 2018 Prague FLIGBY = Flow Is Good Business for You – by Mihaly CsikszentmihalyFLIGBY (www.fligby.com) has been designed by academics and practicing experts to be the globe’s top leadership development game. The most important mission of this technological and teaching innovation is to train…

FLIGBY Skills Tool Box – Conflict Management

Prof. Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, author of the global best-seller book Good Business, conducted deep interviews with several leaders of internationally successful, and sustainable organizations. He found that these successfully created Flow-promoting Organizations and implemented the Flow-Leadership style. Together with him, our team at Aleas Sims/FLIGBY has identified a core of  29 management and leadership skills.   In cooperation with…

21st Century Skills

Their Place in Leadership Development   Recently, our Canadian partner has asked the following interesting question: Are the leadership skills measured and tested by the global award-winning, serious game simulation, called FLIGBY, “21st-century skills”? My first thought was that since the “people analytics” architecture of FLIGBY was made during 2008 and 2012, its competency-based development…

Which gender has better organizing skills?

It’s not surprising that majority of the voters think that women have better organizing skills. Where this result can come from? Women are the ones (mainly) who keep birthdays, anniversaries, daily and weekly school and after school activities in mind. They are the ones who know every things place in the house (that the husband…